How to put together an rtjam-unit

This page will give you the direction for creating your own rtjam-unit

List of Ingredients

  • Raspberry Pi 4. 2Gb RAM, 4Gb Flash  Offical Rasberry Pi Website
  • Raspberry Pi Case  (this one works well)
  • USB C power supply for the Pi Example
  • USB audio device (must have at least 2 channels)
    • Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Sweetwater Link
    • PreSonus Studio 24c
    • PreSonus USB96
    • MOTU M2
    • M-Audio M-Track Duo
    • etc
  • Ethernet Cable
  • Open ethernet port on your router
  • Microphone
  • Software complete image for the raspberry pi or you can build software from github

Hardware Installation

Click on the arrows to step through the slideshow below on how to put together a unit:

The Raspberry Pi (with case)

You can see the USB and Ethernet ports on the right side. Power is provided via a USB-C connector at the left end of the left side.

Software Installation

You will need to get the software onto the micro SD card for you Raspberry Pi. Here are the directions for getting the software and buring it onto your micro SD card.

You will need a micro SD card slot on your computer and some software that allows you to burn images onto the card.

  • Download the image from  Sofware Image  and save it on your computer in a place you can find it later.
  • If you don't have a good imager, the  Raspberry Pi Imager&nbsp runs on all platforms and is super easy to use.
  • After you have burned the image to the SD card, put the card into the raspberry pi. Note: The download image is shrunk to just the size of the data. You SD card is undoubtably bigger than that. After you boot the Pi with the SD card, it will resize that image to the full size of the SD card you have. This cause an extra reboot after the resize. This only happens on the first boot with the SD card.

Here is a slideshow showing the steps with the Raspberry Pi imager

Raspberry Pi Imager

This is the initial screen when you launch the imager.


If you already have a pi or another debian based linux system, you can do your own install from the directions here